7 Things You Didn't Know About How To Reduce Cellulite From Hips And Thighs ??

Cellulite is a complex layer of fat that includes water, toxins, and greases that are concentrated under the surface skin layer.

 It is formed as a result of the fragmentation of the fat layer under the skin in the connective tissue area and the emergence of complex fatty masses that are focused and centered in an irregular way and spaced from each other and at a higher level of the layer Natural fatty.

Consequently, this leads to undulation, wrinkling, and inconsistency in the external skin formation of a person due to the buoyancy of these lumps from the natural fat layer and their direct contact with the highest internal layer of the skin, which leads to the emergence of skin networks intertwined in each other and in other words, dense interlocking skin dimples that are later called cellulite.

 It is worth noting that women are more susceptible to infection than men with this syndrome due to the depth of focus of the man's fat cells than that of women, and cellulite is usually concentrated in the buttocks and thighs

So How To Reduce Cellulite From Hips And Thighs ??

1- Warm salt bath:

You can prepare warm bath water at 110 degrees Fahrenheit and add 200 - 500 grams of sea salt. If you want to enhance cellulite resistance, try using more salt. And when you put the required salt amount of salt, get off the lower part of the body, the hips, and continue to soak the lower part in warm salt water for 30 minutes. Upon completion, massage to stimulate the blood circulation. In some cases that suffer from high blood pressure, they can feel irritation of the skin and need to reduce the time Up to 20 minutes. It is preferable to do this method once a week.

2-Organic body scrub:

You can make a natural body scrub to improve blood circulation and leave the skin soft and healthy. Check out one of the simple recipes that works as a peeler by simply mixing 1 cup sea salt, 1/2 cup olive oil, and from the other active ingredients 1 cup of coffee, mixed with 1 cup of sugar or salt with the addition of a few drops of olive oil. After steaming the skin, rub the skin and massage in circular movements from the bottom up and rub the cellulite away twice a week when in the bathroom or sauna, preferring to continue for 10 minutes twice a week.

3- Exercise plan:

The most effective way to get rid of cellulite is to combine a healthy diet with physical exercises and start by getting an effective exercise program that includes cardio exercises, strength exercises that target the abdomen, buttocks, and legs. Try 6 more effective exercises by lying on the ground To take the push-up position and work to bend the right leg and try to bring it toward the stomach, then straighten your leg and raise it 5 inches from the ground. Repeat the same steps with the left leg and perform the exercise on 3 groups per group 8 times. You need to do this exercise 4 - 5 times a week for 40 minutes.

3-Grapefruit gel:

Prepare 100 grams of aloe vera gel and 15-20 drops of essential grapefruit oil and mix well, then put this mixture in a dark bottle and gently massage over the affected areas until the mixture is absorbed. It is preferable to apply the gel in the evening so that grapefruit does not contact the sun because it is an acidic oil and may lead to skin irritation. It is best to test the skin's sensitivity to these ingredients first before applying.

In general, cellulite needs a long time in order for its effect to disappear completely from the skin, as it will not disappear within one day. The matter requires patience and perseverance in order to get rid of this annoying problem.

4-Attention to diet:

You need to maintain a balanced diet as it is a major thing that is absolutely indispensable even with the use of creams and natural recipes. And your diet should include proteins, fish, legumes, egg whites, pumpkin nuts, peanuts, and foods that contain vitamin E and C as they help to stimulate tissue growth such as pepper, guava, leafy vegetables, broccoli, oranges, papaya, and strawberries. These foods contain It contains Vitamin C like nuts, kale, spinach, olive oil, kiwi and papaya.

5-Regular eating green tea:

Green tea is one of the natural ingredients that increase metabolism, burn fat and stop the production of enzymes that help burn fat. And antioxidants found in green tea reduce insulin resistance. Therefore, it is preferable to eat 3-4 times green tea cups to increase fat burning and thus prevent the appearance of white marks.

6-Peeled chili and ginger:

Hot pepper has the ability to heat the body. Thus increasing blood circulation and increasing metabolism rate. It also helps in wiping damaged skin cells and replacing them with strong cells. Regular consumption of hot pepper helps get rid of toxins and reduce the appearance of white marks.

Take 2 tablespoons of hot pepper powder and a teaspoon of grated ginger and fresh lemon juice and mix all these ingredients together in a cup of warm water.

And preferably take this solution three times a day for 1-3 months to reduce the appearance of cellulite.

7-Drink enough water:

In order to get an effective treatment, moisturizing the body is an important element and specialists are advised to eat a lot of water sufficient for the elasticity of the body because in addition to that water helps get rid of toxins in the body, it works to increase the elasticity of the skin.

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